Barbara Pregelj (April 12, 1970) is a Slovenian writer, editor, scholar of Spanish-language literature, researcher, translator, cultural promoter, and university professor. She’s the author of more than 20 scientific articles and 2 books, and has also translated over 40 books from Spanish to Slovenian. In 2001 she translated the Ecuadorian novel, “Huairapamuchcas,” by Jorge Icaza into Slovenian as “Huairapamuške: sinovi vetra” She has organized and coordinated many visits by foreign authors in Slovenia, along with visits by Slovenian authors to Spain, and several international symposia. She regularly presents papers at conferences, symposia and roundtables, both in Slovenia and abroad.
Barbara Pregelj has a PhD in Literary Studies and is an assistant professor of literature. She graduated from Spanish and Comparative Literature and, in 1995, she studied Contemporary and Medieval Spanish Literature, as well as Literature of the Golden Age, at the University of Salamanca in Spain.
Selected works

- Bartolomé Las Casas: Uničevanje Indijancev in evangelizacija, (Zbirka Studenci žive vode, Nova serija, 21). Celje: Mohorjeva družba, 1993. (COBISS)
- Aleš Debeljak : El crepúscolo de los ídolos: Muerte del siglo veinte en los Balcanes. Donostia: GAKOA, 1999. (COBISS)
- Carlos Puerto. Zakaj prav jaz? (Metuljev let). Tržič: Učila, 2000. (COBISS)
- Jorge Icaza: Huairapamuške: sinovi vetra. Mladinska knjiga, 2001.
- Reflexiones sobre Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las indias de Fray Bartolomé de las Casas. Verba Hisp., 1992. 131–134.
- Zgledno omledno: trivialno v slovenski postmoderni književnosti, (Slavistična knjižnica, 12). Ljubljana: Slavistično društvo Slovenije, 2007. (COBISS)
As editor
- Literatura v večkulturnem položaju in ustvarjalno delo Jolke Milič. Nova Gorica: Univerza, 2006. (COBISS)
- Pogledi na Simona Gregorčiča. Nova Gorica: Univerza, 2006. (ur. Barbara Pregelj in Zoran Božič) (COBISS)
- Kot, kjer je shranjeno vesolje: Justo Jorge Padron: Krogi pekla. Literatura, april 2002. (COBISS)
- Dvojezična antologija slovenske literature. SR, jan.–mar. 2006. 107–109. (COBISS)
- Slovenski literarni prevod. SR, jan.–mar. 2006. 111–113. (COBISS)