Claude Couffon (Caen, Normandy, France, May 4, 1926 – December 18, 2013) was a renowned Spanish-to-French translator, French poet, Sorbonne Université professor, and an expert in Spanish and Latin American literature. In 1960, Couffon translated Jorge Icaza’s 1958 novel “El Chulla Romero y Flores” into French as “L’homme de Quito.” It was serialized in Les Lettres Francaises, (Nº833, July 14–20, 1960). French publisher Éditions Albin Michel released “L’homme de Quito” as a book in 1993. Couffon’s translations were instrumental in promoting Spanish-language writers in France. He translated the works of several Nobel laureates, including Spain’s Camilo Jose Cela, Colombia’s Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Chile’s Pablo Neruda, and Guatemala’s Miguel Angel Asturias. In 2003, Claude Couffon translated Ecuadorian author Rocío Durán-Barba’s novel “París sueño eterno” (1997).
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