Ignacio Carvallo Castillo

Early Life and Education

Ignacio Carvallo Castillo was born on January 6, 1937, in Guayaquil, Ecuador, to Damián Carvallo Moura and Delia Castillo Casanova. He received his early education at the Colegio Particular Tomás Martínez and later graduated from Vicente Rocafuerte High School. Carvallo pursued higher education at the University of Guayaquil, where he studied Philosophy and Letters. Furthering his academic pursuits, he traveled to Germany and specialized in Pedagogy and History at the University of Bonn. He obtained a Doctorate in History with a focus on the social interpretation of literature and the visual arts.

Literary Career

A prominent figure of Ecuador’s 1960 literary generation, Carvallo emerged alongside peers like Rodrigo Pesántez Rodas, Ana María Iza, Antonio Preciado, and Euler Granda. His literary works, including poetry, prose, and literary criticism, were published widely, both in Ecuador and internationally. His work appeared in notable publications such as Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos (Madrid), Corriere Literario Latino (Rome), Lírica Hispana and Galaxia: Revista de Vanguardia (Caracas), and several other prestigious journals. His poetry often explored themes of social justice, blending cultural heritage with personal and national identity.

In 1962, he won the First Prize at the National Festival of Letters with his poem Los Niños de mi Pueblo (“The Children of My Town”). Throughout his career, he received numerous awards for his poetry, including Third Prize in the Ismael Pérez Pazmiño National Poetry Contest in 1965 for Perfiles de la Noche (“Profiles of the Night”) and First Prize in 1966 for his poem Ecuatorial (“Equatorial”).

Journalism and Academic Contributions

Besides being a writer and poet, Carvallo was also a respected journalist and educator. He contributed to the dissemination of Ecuadorian culture and literature, both as a speaker and through his writings. For over a decade, he served as an advisor to the Revista Interamericana de Bibliografía, published by the OAS in Washington, DC. He was also a prolific lecturer, often presenting at prestigious institutions such as the Aula Magna of the ESPOL and various academic journals associated with the University of Guayaquil.

Carvallo was an influential educator in Ecuador, teaching at institutions including Colegio Americano, Colegio Alemán Humboldt, and Aguirre Abad, as well as at the University of Guayaquil and Universidad Católica. He was actively involved in preserving the country’s cultural and historical heritage, serving on the Commission for the Defense of Cultural and Historical Patrimony at the University of Guayaquil.

Recognitions and Accolades

Ignacio Carvallo received numerous awards throughout his career. The government of Poland awarded him the Nicolás Copérnico Medal for his contributions to education, particularly through his involvement with UNESCO during the International Year of Copernicus in Guayaquil. The Municipality of Guayaquil recognized his literary contributions with the Medal of Literary Merit, and the Central American Institute of Culture honored him with the Humberto Castello Branco Medal. Furthermore, the Association of Journalists of Guayaquil awarded him the Leonidas Ortega Moreira Medal for his educational achievements.


Carvallo’s contributions to Ecuadorian literature are well-documented in numerous anthologies. His works have been featured in Letras del Ecuador (Casa de la Cultura, Guayas Chapter), Poesía Hispanoamericana, Lírica Ecuatoriana Contemporánea, and Los Cien Mejores Poemas Ecuatorianos, among others. His poetry, characterized by its vivid imagery and strong connection to his cultural roots, continues to inspire readers and writers alike. His deep understanding of Latin American history and culture, combined with his eloquent literary style, earned him a place among Ecuador’s most esteemed literary figures.


Ignacio Carvallo Castillo passed away on August 28, 2015, in his hometown of Guayaquil, leaving behind a lasting legacy in Ecuadorian literature and education.

Selected Works

  1. Los Niños de mi Pueblo – (1962) First Prize at the Festival Nacional de las Letras.
  2. Perfiles de la Noche – (1965) Third Prize winner in the Concurso Nacional de Poesía Ismael Pérez Pazmiño.
  3. Ecuatorial – (1966) First Prize winner in the Concurso Nacional de Poesía Ismael Pérez Pazmiño.

These two poems, Perfiles de la Noche and Ecuatorial, are featured in the anthology:

  • Poesía ecuatoriana del siglo XX: Ganadores del concurso Ismael Pérez Pazmiño (1964-1969) – Published by Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo del Guayas, in 1976.
Other Works:
  1. Ayer y Hoy de Rubén Darío – (1975) A scholarly essay on Rubén Darío, which won First Prize in an international contest organized by the Nicaraguan government.
  2. Revelación y Ancestro – A poem included in various literary publications.
  3. El Ámbito de los Ríos – A poem focused on the natural landscapes of Ecuador.
  4. Oda del Verbo Trémulo Amazonas – A poem reflecting his connection to the Amazon and environmental themes.
Featured in Anthologies and Literary Collections:
  • Letras del Ecuador (Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo del Guayas)
  • Poesía Hispanoamericana
  • Lírica Ecuatoriana Contemporánea
  • Los Cien Mejores Poemas Ecuatorianos

Carvallo’s works also appeared in national and international literary journals.


  • Enciclopedia del Ecuador, “Generación del Sesenta.” Retrieved on October 5, 2024. Click to view.
  • Poemas de Ecuatorianos, “Ecuatorial – Ignacio Carvallo Castillo.” Retrieved on October 5, 2024. Click to view.
  • Enciclopedia del Ecuador, “Ignacio Cavallo Castillo.” Retrieved on October 5, 2024. Click to view.
  • Rodolfo Pérez Pimentel, “Carvallo Castillo, Ignacio.” Retrieved on October 5, 2024. Click to view.
  • Biblioteca Virtual Fandom, “Ignacio Carvallo Castillo.” Retrieved on October 5, 2024. Click to view.
  • Biblioteca Municipal de Cuenca, “Carvallo Castillo Ignacio.” Retrieved on October 5, 2024. Click to view.

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