Alfredo Jaramillo Andrade (May 19, 1934) is an Ecuadorian poet, writer, playwright, and teacher. He has published several books, including “Los hijos de la luz,” “Canciones para la ciudad,” “Mujeres, sueños y muerte,” and “El sombrero del tiempo,” exploring themes of love, death, and nature. Jaramillo Andrade has been a member of various organizations, including the Literature Section of the House of Ecuadorian Culture in Loja, where he held the position of President from 1977 to 1986. He oversaw the direction of several of its magazines. He also founded “El Agro,” a newspaper of the School of Agricultural Sciences at the National University of Loja. He has received numerous awards, including the Loja National Poetry Prize in 1956 and the National Culture Award in 2004.
Honors and recognitions
- Awarded the “Ismael Pérez Pazmiño” Prize on three occasions.
- Has been awarded first place in prose and poetry literary contests at the provincial and national levels on more than a dozen occasions.
- Received the Gold Medal for Literary Merit and Educational Work from the Bernardo Valdivieso Experimental School on two occasions.
- Received the “Benjamín Carrión” Unique Poetry Prize from the Illustrious Lojano Cabildo for the poetic work titled “Del Unicornio y los Centauros”.
- Received a prize from the Provincial Council for his book of poems “Los Retoños del Abedul”.
- Won first place for twelve consecutive years at the Fiesta de La Lira y La Pluma Lojanas.
- Received the Education Merit Medal from the Ministry of Education and Culture, through the Provincial Directorate of Education of Loja.
- Received the Literary Merit Medal from the Provincial Council.
- Received the Literary Merit Recognition from the Illustrious Lojano Cabildo in 1992. In addition, received recognitions from the Bernardo Valdivieso Experimental School and the Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana “Benjamín Carrión”, Núcleo de Loja, with relevant agreements.
- ESLABÓN, Poemas de Amor contra la Sombra (Edit. Casa de la Cultura «Benjamín Carrión», Núcleo de Loja, 1960)
- Florilegio Galante (unknown publisher, year)
- Las Naves del Insomnio (unknown publisher, 1968)
- Los Vuelos Eternos y los Hijos del Sol (unknown publisher, year)
- Relumbres de la Hoguera (unknown publisher, year)
- Erranza del Fuego Herido (bajo el auspicio del Colegio Bernardo Valdivieso, 1970)
- Apuntes del Vigilante y su Cabeza (Edit. Casa de la Cultura Núcleo del Guayas, 1973)
- El Hombre que Somos (Edit. Casa de la Cultura Núcleo de Loja, 1980)
- Desde las Cenizas (Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, 1981)
- Señales para el Buscador de Sueños (Edit. Casa de la Cultura, Núcleo de Loja, 1982)
- Del Unicornio y los Centauros (Edit. Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, 1983)
- Los Retoños del Abedul (Editado por el. Honorable Consejo Provincial de Loja, 1986)
- Pío Jaramillo Alvarado: Doctor en Ciencias de la Patria (Edit. Universidad Técnica Particular e Ilustre Municipio, 1988. Se prepara una nueva edición de la misma obra)
- Estado de Sitio (Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana «Benjamín Carrión», Núcleo de Loja (separata)
- Abreviatura Cósmica (Edit. Colegio Exp. Bernardo Valdivieso, 1995)
- La Cigüeña de Papel, poesía´inédita,. 1996
- Al Diablo con todo y esto (teatro)
- El Mar cabe en la Arena (obra representada en el Teatro El Dorado)
- NOCTURNO del Amor Indefinido: (1994), Premio de la Bienal de Poesía {La Palabra} del Azuay, versión 1997
- Testamento con ecos apacibles… (Premio Nacional EL UNIVERSO: 1997, diciembre)
- “Los Bajitos pintaron las flores”. Poesía. 2003. Edit. Universidad Nacional de Loja: Centro Universitario de Cultura (CUDIC)