Fernando Artieda Miranda (Guayaquil, June 14, 1945 – April 15, 2010) was an Ecuadorian writer, poet and journalist. For 40 years he worked as a journalist for newspapers and magazines such as La Razón, Expreso, Meridiano and Hoy, as well as television media such as Ecuavisa and RTS. During the presidency of Abdalá Bucaram he was the secretary of communications.
- 3rd Prize of the Ismael Pérez Pazmiño Poetry Contest for Monólogo del hombre que se quedó mirando en el espejo (1978).
Fernando Artieda died of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis on April 15, 2010, at the age of 64.
Fernando Artieda pays homage with a poem to legendary Ecuadorian singer Julio Jaramillo
On the life of Fernando Artieda upon his death
- Hombre solidario (1968)
- Safa cucaracha (1978)
- Cantos doblados del patalsuelo del alma (1984)
- De ñeque y remezón (1990)
- Que un hombre macho no debe llorar (2006)
- Una golondrina no hace un carajo (2006)
- Me muero por ti… (?)
- El alcahuete de Onán (2009)
- El Secuestro del poder (1987) co-author
- Cuentos de guerrilleros y otras historias (1981)
- Seco y volteado (2009)