Evelia Peralta

Evelia Peralta (Tucumán, Argentina, 1941) is a notable Argentine-born architect who stands as a trailblazer in the world of architecture and urban planning in Ecuador. Her extensive contributions encompass academia, urban development, and architectural publications. Peralta co-authored several influential books that have become foundational references in understanding Ecuadorian architecture. Among these works, the “Architectural Guide to Quito,” a collaborative effort with Rolando Moya and Pablo Moreira, offers profound insights into the cultural and historical significance of Quito’s architectural treasures. Additionally, her book “Quito: Cultural Heritage of Humanity” and “Landscape Architecture: Quito, Concepts, and Designs” showcase her dedication to preserving Ecuador’s architectural heritage while embracing innovative design concepts. Evelia Peralta’s tireless efforts have made her a key figure in promoting Ecuadorian architecture, leaving an indelible mark on the nation’s urban landscape and architectural discourse.

Evelia Peralta: Ecuadorian Architect of Argentine Origin

Evelia Peralta (Tucumán, Argentina, 1941) is a prominent figure in the field of Ecuadorian architecture and urban planning, despite her Argentine origins. Throughout her career, she has made significant contributions to the promotion and critical examination of architecture in Ecuador, earning her recognition as a pioneer in this field.

Academic and Professional Journey

Evelia Peralta began her architectural education at the National University of Tucumán in Argentina, where she graduated in 1967. As an architect, she became involved in the national movement that culminated at the National University of Córdoba, where she participated in the “Total Workshop.” This workshop tackled fundamental questions about the education of architects, their mission, and their role in society, promoting a multidisciplinary approach to teaching. Evelia also played a key role in coordinating one of these workshops in Tucumán.

Together with architect Rolando Moya Tasquer, her life partner, they won the competition for the La Alborada Cooperative, developing urban proposals and housing prototypes.

In 1975, Evelia Peralta relocated to Quito, where her teaching experience led her to pursue a career in academia, initially at the Central University of Ecuador. She also collaborated with a group of architects who founded the Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Arts at the Catholic University of Ecuador in 1994.

Contribution to Urban Planning

Evelia Peralta also made a significant impact on urban planning in Quito. She played a crucial role in creating the Special Projects and Technical Support Units within the Planning Department of the Municipality of Quito, focusing on projects related to the Historic Center of the city.

Noteworthy Publications

In the realm of architectural publications in Ecuador, Evelia Peralta is a trailblazer. Alongside Rolando Moya Tasquer, she founded and directed the Trama magazine in 1977, which was published bimonthly until November 1997. Starting in 2000, Evelia Peralta assumed the role of deputy director of Trama, which has produced 170 editions until 2022. This project gave rise to numerous investigations into contemporary Ecuadorian architecture, which were published in national and international books and magazines, contributing to the global dissemination of Ecuadorian architecture.

Some of her books, such as the “Architectural Guide to Quito” (co-authored with Rolando Moya and Pablo Moreira), “Quito: Cultural Heritage of Humanity,” and “Landscape Architecture: Quito, Concepts, and Designs,” have become indispensable references for understanding Ecuadorian architecture.

Quito’s Pan-American Architecture Biennial

Evelia Peralta and Rolando Moya played a pivotal role in conceiving the first Quito Architecture Biennial. Their international vision led this biennial to transcend national borders from its inaugural edition in 1978. Both architects also edited the books for the first two editions of the Biennial, contributing to its recognition both nationally and internationally.


Evelia Peralta’s efforts in promoting Ecuadorian architecture have been widely recognized. She received the Award for Theory, History, and Critique at the III Quito Architecture Biennial in 1982 for her work with the Trama magazine. Furthermore, Trama magazine was honored with the FPAA 2008 Award from the Pan-American Federation of Architects’ Associations, which was shared with the Colombian magazine Escala.

In 2014, the Quito Architecture Biennial itself acknowledged Evelia Peralta and other founders for their outstanding contributions to the field of architecture in Ecuador.

Despite not being of Ecuadorian origin, Evelia Peralta is a significant figure in the local landscape and has left an invaluable legacy in promoting and comprehending Ecuadorian architecture on both a national and international scale.

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