Rosario de Fátima A’Lmea Suárez

Rosario de Fátima A’Lmea Suárez

Early Life and Education

Rosario de Fátima A’Lmea Suárez, an Ecuadorian academic, editor, and writer, pursued her early education at Zoila Urgante de Landívar and completed her secondary education at Manuela Cañizares. She later attended Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, where she graduated with a degree in Letters and Spanish in 1999. Her academic career advanced with a Master’s in Literature from the same institution in 2014, and she further specialized with a Master’s in Curriculum Design from Universidad Politécnica Salesiana in 2007. Finally, she earned her Ph.D. in Literature from Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar in 2021, marking the culmination of her formal education.

Professional Career

Rosario has built a significant academic career, spanning various roles in teaching, editing, and research. Between 2001 and 2016, she served as a full-time professor at Universidad Politécnica Salesiana in Ecuador, teaching subjects such as Semiotics, Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, and Discourse Analysis. She later transitioned to teaching in postgraduate programs, including a position at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador where she taught Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature.

In addition to teaching, she has been actively involved in editing, having worked with Editorial Abya Yala and Centro de Publicaciones de PUCE, providing critical text revisions and preparing publications such as theses, books, and academic journals.

Literary and Editorial Contributions

Rosario’s expertise in language and literature extends to her work as an independent literary critic and editor. Her editorial experience includes working on academic publications, pedagogical texts, and public materials. Notably, she has edited and revised works for well-known Ecuadorian authors, such as Alejandro Moreano’s “El crimen del tarot” and David Camacho’s “Los jesuitas en Manabí y Esmeraldas”.

Research and Publications

Rosario is an active researcher with a focus on literature, culture, and gender studies. Her works are frequently cited in academic texts, demonstrating her influence on contemporary literary criticism. Examples of these citations can be found in various academic repositories such as Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador and Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar.

Cultural and Literary Events

Rosario has also contributed to the cultural sector through her involvement in organizing literary events. She played a key role in the 2018 Homage to Aurora Estrada i Ayala, as well as organizing poetry readings and literary tributes for notable Ecuadorian women writers. Her participation in promoting Ecuadorian literature has extended internationally, with nominations for authors like Argentina Chiriboga and Sonia Manzano Vela for prestigious literary awards.

Selected works


  1. Lengua para la vida 8, ISBN: 978-9978486436, Quito: Edinun (2021)
  2. Homo sapiens sapiens: 484, Estados Unidos: KDP (2020)
  3. Homo sapiens sapiens, Quito: El Ángel (2019)
  4. Interpretaciones literarias. Lecturas desde la Mitad del Mundo, Argentina: Prosa Editores (2019)
  5. Aurora Estrada i Ayala: voz y simbología del cuerpo, Quito: Centro de Publicaciones de la PUCE (2015)


  1. Homo sapiens sapiens, Kindle edition (2019)
  2. Aurora Estrada i Ayala: voz y simbología del cuerpo, Kindle edition (2019)
  3. Interpretaciones literarias (lecturas desde la Mitad del Mundo), Kindle edition (2016)
  4. Antología poética 40. 7mo año, Colombia-México: Trinando Editores (2022)
  5. Antología poética 37. 7mo año, Colombia-México: Trinando Editores (2022)
  6. Lugar que habito. Ecuador en una antología, Honduras: AteAeditoral (2022)
  7. Tertúlia Poética. Conexão Internacional Equador, Goiás: Cine Club Imigração / Universidade Federale Goiás (2021)
  8. Entre epígonos y autoinspección. Actas del II Congreso andino de estudios sobre Dante Alighieri, Quito: Centro de Publicaciones de la PUCE (2020)
  9. Jardín de las figuras abiertas. Antología poética, México: Bitácora de vuelos (2020)
  10. Antología para poetas en Paralelo Cero, Quito: El Ángel y CCE (2020)
  11. Memorias II Simposio internacional y IV nacional de literatura Pablo Palacio, Loja: CCE núcleo de Loja (2019)
  12. Crítica, Memoria e imaginación de América Latina y el Caribe, Quito: PUCE-UNAM (2018)
  13. Amber Vol I, México: Cascada de palabras-cartonera (2018)
  14. Cuerpos y Fisuras, Colombia: UNIMAR (2016)

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