Bruno Sáenz Andrade

Bruno Saenz Andrade

Bruno Sáenz Andrade (Quito, September 13, 1944 – Quito, January 11, 2022) was an Ecuadorian writer, poet, essayist and literary critic. He authored numerous books including: “El aprendiz y la palabra,” “Relatos del aprendiz,” “Comedia del cuerpo,” “1944, La promesa y la siega” and “La noche acopia silencios.” A lawyer by profession, in his working life he served as director of the School of Prosecutors in the Public Ministry, as well as Undersecretary of Culture. He was a regular speaker at the House of Ecuadorian Culture, the Benjamín Carrión Cultural Center, and the Rayuela bookstore, among other places. He was an emeritus member of the Ecuadorian Academy of Language since 2014. In 2003 his poetry book “Escribe la inicial de tu nombre en el umbral del sueño” won the Jorge Carrera Andrade Award.

Institutions he was member of

  • House of Ecuadorian Culture, matrix, Letters Section.
  • Quito Bar Association
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian-Ecuadorian Institute of Culture.
  • Corresponding Member of the Ecuadorian Academy of Language. (September 2013).
  • Member of the Ecuadorian Academy of Language. (September 2014).

Positions held

  • Director of the School of Prosecutors and Officials of the Public Prosecutor’s Office.
  • Undersecretary (Deputy Minister) of Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
  • Advisor and Director of Legal Advice of the Court of Constitutional Guarantees.
  • Secretary of the National Council of Culture.
  • President of the Board of Directors of the National Symphony Orchestra delegated by the Minister of Education and Culture.
  • Part-time Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Social Sciences of the National Polytechnic School.


Interview of Bruno Sáenz Andrade on HABLANDO NOS ENTENDEMOS

Uploaded to YouTube on Sep 19, 2018.

Presentation of Bruno Sáenz Andrade’s Poetry Book “El viento del espíritu desata los legajos”

Streamed live on Jul 14, 2021. The event was attended by Mr. Patricio Herrera, director of publications of the House of Ecuadorian Culture “Benjamín Carrión”, Mr. Santiago Vizcaíno, novelist and poet, Mrs. Valeria Guzmán, poet and lexicographer, and Mrs. Susana Cordero de Espinosa, director of the Ecuadorian Academy of Language. In addition, the author, who reads selected texts from his most recent work.

Selected works

  • El aprendiz y la palabra (poetry, 1984)
  • Relatos del aprendiz (short stories, 2011)
  • El caminante mira como pasa el camino (essay, 2012)
  • Comedia del cuerpo (1992)
  • 1944, La promesa y la siega
  • La noche acopia silencios (poetry)
  • Iluminaciones para un libro de horas (poetry, 2012)
  • La palabra se mira en el espejo (poetry)
  • Escribe la inicial de tu nombre en el umbral del sueño (poetry, 2003)
  • La máscara desnuda los brazos de mi cara (poetry, 2007)
  • Biografía ejemplar del doctor Fausto (theater, 2004)
  • de La Boca Que, Abriendose, Manda Al Silencio Que Se Ponga a Un Lado (poetry, 1998)
  • ¡Oh, palabra otra vez pronunciada! (poetry, 2001)
  • Crónica de los incas sin Incario (theater, 1977)
  • Dormición de Eurídice (theater, 2006)
  • Mitos, Misterios (theater, 2015)

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