Génesis Andrea Toapanta Ramos

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Juan Secaira Velástegui

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Alexis Naranjo

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Gustavo Salazar Calle

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David Acosta Herrera

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Pablo Guerrero Gutiérrez

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Piedad Larrea Borja

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Irving Iván Zapater

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Diego Montalvo

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Kevin J. Enríquez Urresta

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Rosario de Fátima A’Lmea Suárez

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David Sánchez Santillán

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Ramiro Dávila Grijalva

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Diego Cornejo Menacho

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Juan Suárez Proaño

Juan Suárez Proaño (Quito, 1993) is an Ecuadorian poet and editor. He studied Communication and Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador and has written several acclaimed poetry collections, including “Lluvia sobre los columpios” (2014) and “Las cosas negadas” (2021), which won a national poetry award in 2021. In addition to his writing, Proaño works as an editor for El Ángel Editor, a publishing house, and coordinates “Poesía en Paralelo Cero,” an international poetry event in Ecuador. His blend of literary talents has made him a significant figure in both the local and international literary community.

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