Eduardo Solá Franco (Guayaquil, Ecuador 1915 – Santiago, Chile, 1996) was a prolific and multi-faceted artist, perhaps the most diverse Ecuador has ever produced. His staggering output included not only hundreds of paintings in a variety of styles but also sculpture, illustrations for magazines and film, stage scenery, plays, poetry and novels, choreographed ballets, award-winning experimental films and, perhaps most intriguing of all, a series of 14 illustrated diaries in which he recorded, “all that which I saw of interest and that attracted me: people, landscapes, cities, states of being, spectacles, parties, and fashion.” He was also a public figure, he served for years as Ecuador’s cultural attache in Rome, mingling with artists, thinkers, and society figures of Europe, the United States, and South America.

Selected works

- Caminos obscuros y el silencio (1947)
- Latitud 0°. [Novela] (1958)
- Del otro lado del mar (1960)
- Tibio día para marzo (1970)
- Reflexiones
- Desde lejanas playas
- Ningún viajero regresa
- Diario de mis viajes por el mundo
- Eduardo Solá-Franco: el teatro de los afectos
- Gauguin: obra de teatro en dos actos