Lesther Macías Vera de Carofilis (Portoviejo, August 12, 1951) is an Ecuadorian poet. She is currently the director of the academic literature section of the House of Ecuadorian Culture in Manabi. She is the recipient of various teaching awards (1979, 1981, 1990, 1995). For her active participation in the Ecuadorian Literature seminar in 1983, the Ministry of Education and Culture awarded her a Diploma of Honor. She won second place in a prestigious poetry contest in Quito in 1990, with her poems “Un Árbol que murió de tristeza” and “Fábricas de Asfalto”. She is a member of “The Cove/Rincón International”of Miami, FL, a cultural group for poetry and other arts.
Awards and recognitions
- She received awards for her work in the field of education in the years 1979, 1981, 1990, 1995.
- For her active participation in the Ecuadorian Literature seminar in 1983, the Ministry of Education and Culture awarded her a Diploma of Honor.
- In 1990 she received second prize in a prestigious poetry contest in the city of Quito, participating with the poems “Un Árbol que murió de tristeza” and “Fábricas de Asfalto”.
- On August 12, 2015, in Miami, Florida, she presented her poetry book, “Un corazón hechos de versos” within the event entitled “Around the world in 20 years” The Cove/Rincón Internacional, of which she is an Active Member.
Lesther Elvari Macías Vera was born in Portoviejo on August 12, 1951. She comes from a family of teachers. Her parents were Alfonso Macías García and Estrella Vera Vera. Her children are: Teodoro, Andrea, Fernando, Eva María, Fabiola, Daniel, Alberto, and Kimy. Her grandchildren are: Eliana, llona, Doménica, Leito, Milena, Danielito, Alejandro, Alberto and Kennet.
Primary school: Escuela República de Chile y Escuela 24 de Mayo.
Secondary school: Colegio Nacional Portoviejo.
College Level: Universidad Vicente Rocafuerte.
A MI PADRE Siempre tengo necesidad de tus palabras de la sabía razón y de la lógica todo envuelto en el celofán de tu cariño. Hoy esperé tu voz como el Maná en el desierto, para sembrar mi sendero de verdades y te lame Padre, en la muda angustia de sentirte y no verte. Me decías, en la mesa del amor no hay platos que recojan nuestras lágrimas sólo vasos de cristal donde repican las risas, en juegos de voces de ternura. Deja crecer el amor, que duerman los sentidos y emerja el alma, porque amar es vivir en la memoria, sin tiempo, sin medida y sin el cuerpo.
Selected works
- Entre el verdor del campo y el de tus ojos (Poesía 2011)
- Un corazón hecho de versos (2013)
Her work has also been included in the following anthology
- Antología Poética de Mujeres Manabitas “Voces de Ternuras al Corazón del Pueblo”
Name variations
- Lesther Elvari Macías Vera
- Lesther Macías Vera
- Lesther Macías de Carofilis
- Lesther Macías V.