Pedro Isaac Barreiro

Pedro Isaac Barreiro

Pedro Isaac Barreiro Chancay (Santa Ana, Manabi, July 3, 1949) is an Ecuadorian medical doctor, public health specialist, writer, novelist, short story writer, and poet. Passionate about writing and the proper use of the Spanish language, he ventured into the world of literature from a very young age (essays, short stories, poetry and novels) with notable success, and has several publications to his credit. His notable poetry collections include, “De Regreso” (1990), and “Los Versos Prohibidos” (2008). His prose includes a genre that he calls “miniatures,” compiled in books that have been very well received by critics, such as: “Tarqui 707” (1995), “Mamita Galud” (2002), or “El Tendón de Aquiles” (2009). In 2013, he published his first novel ”El Escritor,” an exciting journey through the human psyche. He is a member of the Ecuadorian House of Culture and the Ecuadorian Corporation of Medical Writers, an organization that is part of the World Union of Medical Writers.


He was the son of Pedro Barreiro Navia and Graciela Chancay Ortiz, both natives of Santa Ana, Manabi, Ecuador.


He attended the “9 de Octubre” primary school in Santa Ana. At the age of 11 he moved to Quito where he attended secondary school at the Instituto Nacional Mejía, one of the most emblematic schools in the Republic of Ecuador, founded in the liberal era of the Government of General Eloy Alfaro in 1897 and considered the first secular educational center in the country. Later he entered the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Central University of Ecuador where he graduated as a Doctor of Medicine and Surgery in 1976.

After completing his university studies at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Central University of Ecuador and after graduating as a Doctor of Medicine and Surgery in 1976, he continued his training at the prestigious School of Public Health of Mexico (today the National Institute of Public Health ) where he obtained a Master’s degree in Public Health (1984). He completed his training in Health Services Planning at the National University of Antioquia in Medellín (1991) and additionally obtained the title of Specialist in Security and Development at the Institute of Higher National Studies of Ecuador (1996). Apart from the professional training process, he continued his enrichment and permanent updating through shorter courses in public health, health economics, public administration, health services administration, epidemiology, community medicine, etc. in several Latin American countries.

Public Health

After completing his basic professional training as a doctor, he had to move to the Pasa parish, located in the inter-Andean region of his country, where he completed the year of compulsory social service called “Rural Medicine”, an essential requirement to freely exercise the profession in Ecuador. It was during that year of work, in the midst of a marginalized and eminently indigenous population, that his vocation for service to the most needy was born and developed. Fulfilling this obligation, he became professionally linked to the Peasant Social Security, a dependency of the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute (IESS) and worked for 5 years in the rural area of ​​the Montecristi canton (Manabí province), in the dispensaries of Bajo de Pechiche and La Pila. Thanks to a well-deserved promotion, he returned to Quito (the city where he settled permanently) in 1981 to occupy the position of National Supervising Physician.


With his wife, Alba Sánchez Zurita, a doctor specialized in Acupuncture, he ventured into the extensive field of so-called Alternative Medicines, which was reflected in the joint preparation and publication of several works in this field of medicine. They have two children: María Augusta (1979), and José Manuel (1981).


A lover of artistic manifestations and music in particular, he is also part of the Rondalla de Médicos of Pichincha, a musical group active for more than 25 years, made up entirely of distinguished health professionals from different specialties.

Literary works

  • Poemas para Alba (Poesía). Portoviejo, 1981: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo Manabí.
  • De Regreso (Poesía). Chicago, 1990: Tipografía: Letragraf. ISBN 9978-82-053-1
  • Tarqui 707 y Otras Miniaturas (Relato). Quito, 1995: Crearte-PPL Impresiones. ISBN 9978-82-791-9
  • Mamita Galud (Ensayo). Quito, 2002: Cafelibro-PPL Impresiones. ISBN 9978-42-313-3
  • Los Versos Prohibidos (Poesía). Quito, 2008: V&M Gráficas. ISBN 978-9942-02-071-0
  • El Tendón de Aquiles (Cuento). Quito, 2009: Editorial El Conejo. ISBN 978-9978-87-375-5
  • A Quito (Poesía). Quito, 2012: CENIESPE.
  • El Escritor (Novela). Quito, 2013: Novel Editores. ISBN 978-9942-988-84-3
  • Poesía para el Siglo XXI. Poesía de Coyuntura(Poesía). Quito, 2016: Corporación Ecuatoriana de Escritores Médicos. ISBN 978-9942-14-615-1
  • Escritos médicos contemporáneos (Varios géneros). Quito, 2018: Corporación Ecuatoriana de Escritores Médicos. ISBN 978-9942-30-638-8
  • El tendón de Aquiles” Folia Humanística, Barcelona 2019(12):51-59. Doi:
  • Esthelita, Folia Humanística, Barcelona 2020; 1(2): 50-54.Doi:© 2020
  • Primera guardia en Neurología. En: Relación médico-paciente. Quito, 2020: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. ISBN 978-9978-77-478-6
  • De Médicos y Medicinas. (Relatos). Quito, 2022: Centro de Publicaciones PUCE. ISBN 978-9978-77-589-9

Essays and other works related to Health and Social Security

  • El concepto Salud-Enfermedad. Quito, 1986: Boletín de Informaciones Científicas Nacionales. 119 ( ): 63-70.
  • Los Servicios de Atención a la Salud. Quito, 1987: Boletín de Informaciones Científicas Nacionales. 121 ( ): 157-161.
  • La Atención en Salud en el Seguro Social Campesino. En: Los Problemas de Salud en el Ecuador. Quito, 1987: USAID-OPS/OMS-IESS. pp. 109-123).
  • La Atención a la Salud y la Acupuntura en el Ecuador. Quito, 1989: Boletín de la Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Salud Pública. (2): 17-21).
  • Criterios de los administradores de salud frente a la Acupuntura y Moxibustión. Quito 1989: Revista Médica del IESS. (11): 32-36.
  • Las plantas medicinales. Santa Ana. 1990: Reporte Médico. 1 (1): 18-20.
  • La Extensión de los Servicios de Salud a Nivel Rural. En: 25 Años por la Salud del Ecuador. Quito, 1992: Ministerio de Salud Pública.
  • La Salud y la Acupuntura en el Ecuador. Santa Ana, 1992: Reporte Médico 2 (3): 3-8.
  • El Enfoque de Riesgo y la Atención Primaria de Salud. Santa Ana, 1993: Reporte Médico 2 (4): 9-15.
  • El Seguro Social Campesino: Apuntes para su Historia. Quito, 1993: Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social.
  • Mecanismos para extender la cobertura de la Seguridad Social en el área rural del Ecuador. Quito, 1996: Tesis de Grado en el Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales.
  • El Seguro Social Campesino: Una aproximación a su realidad. Quito, 1997: FENACOME –CAPI. IESS.
  • La Atención Primaria de Salud y el Proceso de Reforma. Quito, 1997: CEPAR. Seguridad Social.
  • El Seguro Social Campesino. Historia y Reforma. Quito, 1997: Proyecto Análisis y Promoción de Políticas de Salud. CEPAR, USAID.
  • El Seguro Social Campesino. Visión Actual. Quito, 2002: Revista Correo Poblacional y de Gerencia en Salud. 10 (1).
  • Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social y Seguro Social Campesino. En: El Cóndor, la Serpiente y el Colibrí. La OPS y la Salud Pública en el Ecuador Del Siglo XX. Quito, 2002 Organización Panamericana de la Salud.
  • El IESS y el Seguro Campesino. Quito 2004: Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo-Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social. PPL Editores. ISBN 9978-43-734-7
  • El seguro social campesino. En: La equidad en la mira: La salud pública en Ecuador durante las últimas décadas. Quito 2007: Organización Panamericana de la Salud
  • Las prestaciones de salud en el Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social. Quito, 2011: IESS.ISBN 978-9942-03-991-0
  • La prestación de salud en el IESS. En: La Salud de la Seguridad Social en la Historia del Ecuador. Quito, 2012: IESS.
  • Acerca del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Federación Médica Ecuatoriana Publicación por 75 Aniversario . Quito, 2017
  • La crisis de las prestaciones del IESS. En: El IESS hacia un cambio seguro .- Henry Llanes . Quito, 2017: ISBN 978-9942-28-321-4
  • La Salud Pública y las Epidemias. Noticiero Médico – Edición digital. Quito, abril de 2020
  • La Salud en 2020. Noticiero Médico – edición digital. Quito, diciembre de 2020

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