Ignacio Carvallo Castillo (Guayaquil, January 6, 1937 – Guayaquil, August 28, 2015) was an Ecuadorian writer, poet, and journalist, prominent in the literary generation of the 1960s. A graduate of the University of Guayaquil and the University of Bonn, where he specialized in Pedagogy and History, Carvallo was known for his evocative poetry and literary criticism. He published widely in Ecuador and internationally, and his work earned him numerous accolades, including the Nicolás Copérnico Medal and several national poetry awards. In addition to his literary career, he was a respected educator and cultural advocate, teaching at universities and serving on cultural heritage commissions.
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María Antonieta Humeres
María Antonieta Humeres de Doring (Chile) was a Chilean poet known for her deeply introspective and lyrical work. She gained significant recognition in Ecuador after winning the prestigious Ismael Pérez Pazmiño Prize in 1964 for her poetry collection Población de atardeceres (Population of Sunsets). Her poetry, often centered on themes of existential reflection, time, and the feminine experience, was featured in the anthology Poesía ecuatoriana del siglo XX. Although she was Chilean by birth, her literary success in Ecuador led to her frequent association with the Ecuadorian poetry.
Continue reading “María Antonieta Humeres”Waldo Calle Calle
Waldo Calle Calle (Cojitambo, August 25, 1951) is an Ecuadorian poet, essayist, and diabetologist. He has lived in Cuenca for many years where he practices medicine and has worked as a professor at the University of Cuenca. In 1977 he was awarded First Prize in the Ismael Pérez Pazmiño National Poetry Contest for his poem Juantodonada. His poetry books include: “Los días del antihombre” [The Days of the Anti-Man] (1978) and “Antologia de los perros” [Anthology of the Dogs] (2003). His poems and stories have also been included in several locally published anthologies in Cuenca.
Continue reading “Waldo Calle Calle”Manuel Zabala Ruiz
Manuel Zabala Ruiz (Riobamba, 1928) is an Ecuadorian poet and university professor. He was a member of the “Caminos” group. He won several Ecuadorian national prizes, including First Prize of the Ismael Pérez Pazmiño Poetry Contest for Los cuadernos del salmista. His published poetry books include: La risa encadenada (1964), Teoría de lo simple (1970), Rumbo al otoño (1986), Obra poética completa (1998) and Poesía junta (2006).
Continue reading “Manuel Zabala Ruiz”Jacqueline Costales
Jacqueline Costales de Torres, born Lourdes Jacqueline Costales Terán (Riobamba, 1964) is an Ecuadorian poet, writer, columnist, and former university professor. She has published 5 poetry books, a book of short stories, and a nonfiction book. She has also written for the regional magazine Panorama and the Riobamba newspaper La Prensa as a columnist. She is a member of the House of Ecuadorian Culture of Chimborazo, the “Grupo América” Cultural Corporation, and the Association of Contemporary Writers of Ecuador, where she serves as vice president. The National Assembly of Ecuador honored Jacqueline Costales for her contributions to Ecuadorian culture and education by bestowing upon her the “Doctora Matilde Hidalgo de Prócel” Award in 2020. She’s the founder and director of the Casa Cultural Somos Arte Foundation, a non-profit organization with the mission of making art accessible to people of all social classes.
Continue reading “Jacqueline Costales”Yuliana Ortiz Ruano
Yuliana Ortiz Ruano (Limones, Esmeraldas, 1992) is an Ecuadorian poet and writer. She has had several of her poems published in both printed and digital magazines. Among her published poetry books are “Sovoz” (2016), “Canciones desde el fin del mundo” (2018), and “Cuaderno del imposible retorno a Pangea” (2021). In 2017, Yuliana received an honorable mention at the international poetry festival “Poetry in Parallel Zero.” She was also awarded the National Literature Award in 2021 in the poetry category for her remarkable contributions to the field. Currently, she serves as an editor and anthologist for the online poetry magazine Cráneo de Pangea. Yuliana’s debut novel, “Fiebre de carnaval” (Carnival Fever), was published in 2022 and received critical acclaim. In 2023, she won the prestigious IESS First Novel Prize in Italy, which recognizes the best first novel by a Latin American author under the age of 35. As part of this award, her book will be translated into Italian. Her novel was also recognized as one of the recommended books of 2022 by the Spanish edition of Vanity Fair magazine and received high praise from author Mónica Ojeda, who named it her favorite novel of the year. Currently, Yuliana Ortiz Ruano resides in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Continue reading “Yuliana Ortiz Ruano”Julio Tobar Donoso
Julio Tobar Donoso (Quito, January 25, 1894 – Ibidem, March 10, 1981) was an Ecuadorian diplomat, lawyer, writer, and social and political scientist. In 1942, during the presidential term of Carlos Arroyo del Río (1940-1944), Julio Tobar was a signatory of the Protocol of Rio de Janeiro, a treaty settling possession of the disputed Oriente region on the border of Peru and Ecuador. He also served as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador from 1938-1942. Along with Father Aurelio Espinosa Pólit, Tobar founded the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. He was a member of the Ecuadorian Academy of Language.
Continue reading “Julio Tobar Donoso”Gonzalo Ramón
Gonzalo Ramón (Guayaquil, 1912 – Unknown) was an Ecuadorian novelist, poet, essayist, and literary critic. He is best known for his novels Tierra baldía (1957, Barren Land), which exposed the exploitation of Afro-Ecuadorians in banana plantations, Clavellina (1971, Little Carnation), which won a prize from the National Union of Journalists, and Guandal (1976, Swampland), which earned the National Literature Award. Ramón also wrote literary criticism, most notably on the Ecuadorian poet César Dávila Andrade, and his long poem Elegía de la creación, carta a mi hija (1965, Elegy of Creation, Letter to My Daughter) presents an ambitious exploration of the origins and evolution of life.
Continue reading “Gonzalo Ramón”Germán Rodas Chaves
Germán Rodas Chaves is an Ecuadorian historian, writer, university professor, and a leader of the Ecuadorian socialist party. He has authored and co-authored multiple books, research studies, and articles on Ecuadorian and Latin American history, politics, medicine and health. Among his books are: “La izquierda ecuatoriana en el siglo 20” [The Ecuadorian Left in the 20th Century] (2000), “Fidel en el Ecuador: a propósito de la visita de Fidel Castro a Guayaquil en 1971” [Fidel in Ecuador: About Fidel Castro’s Visit to Guayaquil in 1971] (2001), and “Eloy Alfaro y Cuba en el siglo XIX” [Eloy Alfaro and Cuba in the 19th Century] (2013). In 2012, the Quito Municipality honored Rodas with the “Isabel Tobar Guarderas” Award for a book he co-authored and edited entitled “Revolución Juliana y salud colectiva” [The Juliana Revolution and Public Health] in recognition as the best book of the year in the social sciences field. In 2021 he published his latest book “Pandemias y enfermedades en la historia del Ecuador, siglos XVIII-XXI” [Pandemics and Diseases in Ecuador’s History, 19th-20th Centuries]. He is a member of Ecuador’s National Academy of History and of the Association of Historians of Latin America and the Caribbean (ADHILAC).
Continue reading “Germán Rodas Chaves”ben aki
ben aki, pseudonym of Rodrigo Jurado (Ambato, Ecuador, 1967) is an Ecuadorian poet, writer, and university professor. He has published 7 poetry collections, including: “Tesis” (2006), “Telares” (2014), “Cartas desde la cárcel” (2015), “Inicios absolutos” (2016), “Querido señor presidente” (2017), “La piel que habito” (2018), and “Poemas para la tarde y el después” (2019). In 2021, ben aki published a biographical novel about his maternal grandmother, María Agripina Cruz Torres, entitled, “María Agripina.” He currently resides in Ambato where he is Professor of Communication and Academic Writing at the Catholic University of Ecuador.
Continue reading “ben aki”Gustavo Abad Ordoñez
Gustavo Abad Ordoñez (Loja, 1968) is an Ecuadorian journalist, essayist, editor, and university professor. His articles have been published in numerous newspapers, including El Comercio, HOY, El Universo and El Telégrafo. His scholarly and journalistic books include: “El monstruo es el otro: La narrativa social del miedo en Quito” (2005), “Medios y movilidad humana. Pautas para informar sobre hechos migratorios” (2009), “El club de la pelea: Gobierno y medios, un entramado de fuerzas y debilidades” (2011), “Ecuavoley: La ovación voluntaria” (2011). He teaches at the Faculty of Social Communication (FACSO) at the Central University of Ecuador. He worked as an editor for the magazines Chasqui and Textos y contextos. In 2022 his book “Crónica de multitudes. La dimensión carnal de la escritura” (2021) was bestowed the “Isabel Tobar Guarderas” Award by the Municipality of Quito.
Continue reading “Gustavo Abad Ordoñez”Purita Pelayo
Purita Valentina Pelayo, also known by the pseudonym Alberto Cabral (Esmeraldas, March 24, 1957) is an Ecuadorian transgender activist and author. She was one of the founders and the president of the Coccinelle Association, the first organization of transgender people in the history of Ecuador, which played a leading role in the campaign for the decriminalization of homosexuality in the country, which achieved its goal in November 1997. She is also the author of the award-winning non-fiction work “Los fantasmas se cabrearón” (2017), which recounts police abuse and the birth of LGBT activism in Ecuador at the end of the 20th century.
Continue reading “Purita Pelayo”Juana Neira Malo
Juana Neira Malo (Cuenca, May 29, 1963) is an Ecuadorian author of children’s literature. In 2008 she published her first book, “Mi amiga secreta.” In 2009, her second book “Se necesita a un súper héroe,” won the “Darío Guevara Mayorga” Prize. She was president of Girándula, the Ecuadorian Book Association for Children and Young People, a branch of IBBY (International Board on Books for Young People) in Ecuador. She produced and hosted a literary radio program, Sueños de papel, from 2006 to 2018. The program contributed to the country’s culture by highlighting several contemporary Ecuadorian authors and focusing on children’s and youth literature. In August of 2020 it was announced that she was the new director of the “José de la Cuadra” National Plan for the Promotion of Books and Reading.
Continue reading “Juana Neira Malo”Victoria Tobar
Victoria Tobar Fierro (Ambato, 1943) is an Ecuadorian poet, writer, and literary critic. In 1983 her first poetry book, “Y de repente” was bestowed the “Juan León Mera” award by the municipality of Ambato. She has written 5 poetry books and her poems have been selected for inclusion in various anthologies of Ecuadorian and Latin American poetry. In 2020 a compilation of her poems was published in a book entitled “Inmensos sentidos” by the publisher El ángel editor.
Continue reading “Victoria Tobar”Íñigo Salvador
Íñigo Salvador Crespo (Quito, October 23, 1960) is a novelist, lawyer, public official, diplomat, and university professor. His debut novel “Miércoles Santo: un caso de Nuño Olmos” (2013), is a critically acclaimed detective novel set in Quito. His latest novel, “1822: La novela de la independencia,” won the Joaquín Gallegos Lara Prize in 2022, and was that year’s best-selling novel in Ecuador. He served as the Procurator General of Ecuador (PGE) from 2018-2022, and will serve as a judge in the Andean Community Court of Justice.
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