Rigoberto Cordero y León

Rigoberto Cordero León

Early Life and Education

Rigoberto Cordero León was born on June 11, 1916, in Cuenca, Ecuador, into a well-known family with a rich cultural and intellectual background. He was the son of Benjamín Cordero Lloré and Ángela León Cordero. He was baptized on June 17, 1916, with the full name Rigoberto Emiliano del Espíritu Santo Cordero León. Raised in Cuenca, he completed his education there, ultimately obtaining a degree in law, earning the title of Doctor of Jurisprudence, and becoming a lawyer recognized by the Tribunals of Justice in Ecuador. Despite his legal background, Cordero y León is best known for his profound contributions to literature, particularly poetry and biographical studies.

Literary Career

Rigoberto Cordero y León’s literary output was extensive, spanning poetry, essays, biographies, and critical studies. His work transcended national borders, with several of his writings being translated into French, English, Portuguese, Czech, Polish, and German. His contributions were pivotal in expanding Ecuadorian literary influence beyond the country’s borders.

In poetry, Cordero y León’s significant works include Surmenaje, Cuenca, Nido de Paisajes, Acuarelas Cuencanas, Elegías en Re Menor, and Abismos con Estrellas. These works reflect his deep connection to his homeland and his reflective, emotional exploration of human experience. His biographies, such as El Alma de Antioquia, Beethoven, and Bajo la Estrella del Sur, focused on significant historical and artistic figures, showcasing his versatility as a writer. In the field of music aesthetics, he authored critical works like El Sentido Musical, Sombra y Sangre de Chopin, Bach, Patriarca Inmenso de la Luz, El Mensaje de la Novena Sinfonía, and El Poeta de Schubert.

Cordero y León was also a devoted scholar of Ecuadorian literature, producing critical studies of notable figures like Remigio Tamariz Crespo (Remigio Tamariz Crespo, el poeta exquisito) and Medardo Ángel Silva (Medardo Angel Silva, bello abismo). His essay on Miguel Moreno, Miguel Moreno, el poeta de la mansa tristeza, is a celebrated exploration of Ecuador’s poetic legacy. He curated several anthologies of Ecuadorian poetry, most notably Presencia de la Poesía Cuencana: 36. Soñadores del mil novecientos treinta y seis (1964), which showcased the work of Cuencano poets.

In addition to poetry and biography, Cordero y León ventured into essays with works such as Divagaciones Sobre el Quijote and Yamandú Rodríguez, Corazón de América, examining both literature and broader cultural themes.

Recognitions and Accolades

Rigoberto Cordero y León’s literary contributions were widely recognized, earning him several prestigious awards. Among his most notable accolades were the British Legation Award in Quito, the Palma de Oro, and the Violeta de Oro at the Fiesta de la Lira in Cuenca. He was also honored with the Violeta de Oro in the Vida Porteña competition in Guayaquil. Additionally, the city of Cuenca, recognizing his lasting contributions to Ecuadorian culture, awarded him the Diploma of Honor and the Fray Vicente Solano Decoration, the highest distinction the city bestows upon individuals who have excelled in literary and artistic creation.

Personal Life

Cordero y León was part of an intellectually vibrant family. His sister, Mary Corylé (Ramona Cordero y León), was a prominent poet and writer who faced social resistance for her bold literary expressions. Despite these challenges, she made notable contributions to Ecuadorian literature, and Cordero y León admired her resilience and talent, often defending her legacy.

Throughout his life, Cordero y León remained dedicated to both his literary pursuits and his legal career. His profound love for music also shaped much of his writing, particularly his biographical and critical works on composers like Beethoven, Schubert, and Chopin.


Rigoberto Cordero y León passed away in his hometown of Cuenca in mid-August 1998 at the age of 82. His literary legacy endures through his numerous works, which continue to be studied and appreciated. His deep explorations of Ecuadorian poetry, his sensitive biographies of notable figures, and his critical studies of music aesthetics have left a lasting imprint on Ecuador’s cultural history.

In addition to his own works, Cordero y León’s efforts to curate and promote Ecuadorian poetry have ensured that the voices of his contemporaries and predecessors continue to resonate within Ecuador and beyond. His life and works stand as a testament to his commitment to the arts and his country’s cultural identity.

Selected Works

  • Surmenaje – 1944
  • Cuenca, Nido de Paisajes – 1948
  • Elegías en Re Menor – 1954
  • Abismos con Estrellas – 1961
  • Nido de Paisajes – (Exact year unavailable)
Biographies and Biographical Essays:
  • El Alma de Antioquia – (Exact year unavailable)
  • Beethoven – 1946
  • Bajo la Estrella del Sur – 1947
  • Medardo Ángel Silva, Bello Abismo – 1968
  • Remigio Romero y Cordero, Cumbre de América – 1976
  • Julio Matovelle, El Poeta de la Madre de Dios – 1981
  • Miguel Moreno, El Poeta de la Mansa Tristeza – (Exact year unavailable)
Music and Aesthetic Studies:
  • El Sentido Musical – 1945
  • Sombra y Sangre de Chopin – 1949
  • Bach, Patriarca Inmenso de la Luz – 1950
  • El Mensaje de la Novena Sinfonía – 1956
  • El Poeta de Schubert – 1959
  • Diez Sonatas de Beethoven – 1969
  • Schumann, Honda y Alta Tristeza – 1965
  • Meditaciones sobre Beethoven – 1962
  • Homenaje a Chopin – 1964
  • El Poema de Schubert – 1959
  • El Adagio de la Novena Sinfonía – 1963
Essays and Literary Criticism:
  • Divagaciones sobre el Quijote – 1947
  • Yamandú Rodríguez, Corazón de América – (Exact year unavailable)
  • Remigio Tamariz Crespo, el Poeta Exquisito – (Exact year unavailable)
  • Presencia de la Poesía Cuencana: 36. Soñadores del mil novecientos treinta y seis (Editor) – 1964
Tourism and Other Works:
  • Cuenca, Ciudad y Paisaje con Alma: Guía Turística – 1974


  • Enciclopedia del Ecuador, “Rigoberto Cordero y León.” Retrieved on October 17, 2024. Click to view.
  • Rodolfo Pérez Pimentel, “Cordero y León, Ramona.” Retrieved on October 17, 2024. Click to view.
  • Google Books, “Rigoberto Cordero y León – Various works.” Retrieved on October 17, 2024. Click to view.
  • Biblioteca Academia Ecuatoriana de la Lengua, “Presencia de la Poesía Cuencana series.” Retrieved on October 17, 2024. Click to view.

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