Santiago Vizcaino

Santiago Vizcaino

Santiago Vizcaíno Armijos (Quito, 1982) is an Ecuadorian poet, novelist and short story writer. He has a degree in Communications and Literature from the Catholic Pontifical University of Ecuador (PUCE). He has worked as an editor at the newspaper Hoy, the Office of Publications of the House of Ecuadorian Culture, and the magazine Nuestro Patrimonio (Our Patrimony). In 2008 he published his first book of poetry, Devastacíon en la tarde (translated into English by Alexis Levitin as Destruction in the Afternoon) and a book-length study of the Argentine poet Alejandra Pizarnik, both of which received awards. In 2015, La Caída Editorial published a bilingual version of his short story collection “Matar a mamá/Matricide” with the English translation by Kimrey Anna Batts. In 2017 Vizcaíno published his debut novel Complejo. His second novel Taco bajo was published in 2019. Vizcaíno is currently the Director of the PUCE Center for Publications.

Literary Background and Education

Santiago Vizcaíno Armijos has an extensive educational background, which has greatly influenced his literary pursuits. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Communications and Literature from the Catholic Pontifical University of Ecuador (PUCE). Subsequently, he pursued a Master’s degree in Latin American Literature, specializing in Literary Hispanic-American Studies, at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. His academic training provided him with a strong foundation in literature and a deep understanding of literary traditions.

Editorial Work and Literary Engagement

Vizcaíno’s involvement in the literary world extends beyond his writing. He has actively contributed as an editor and curator, demonstrating his commitment to promoting Ecuadorian literature. He has held editorial positions at notable publications such as the newspaper Hoy, the Office of Publications of the House of Ecuadorian Culture, and the magazine Nuestro Patrimonio. Additionally, Vizcaíno has worked as the director editorial of Superbrands Ecuador and currently serves as the director (e) of the Center for Publications at PUCE. Through these roles, he has nurtured and supported emerging literary talents while fostering a vibrant literary community.

Poetry: “Devastación en la tarde”

Vizcaíno’s debut poetry collection, “Devastación en la tarde” (Destruction in the Afternoon), marked his entry into the literary landscape. Published in 2008, the collection received the prestigious National Literature Prize from the Ministry of Culture of Ecuador. It showcases his poetic prowess, with themes ranging from introspection to societal critique. The evocative imagery and lyrical language employed in “Devastación en la tarde” captivate readers and offer a unique perspective on the human experience. This remarkable collection gained international recognition when it was translated into English by Alexis Levitin, allowing a broader audience to appreciate Vizcaíno’s poetic mastery. The translation brought forth the beauty and intensity of his verses, further solidifying his place as a distinguished poet with a universal appeal.

Fiction: Short Stories and Novels

Alongside his poetic endeavors, Vizcaíno has explored the realms of fiction. His short story collection, “Matar a mamá/Matricide” (Kill Mom/Matricide), published in 2015 with the English translation by Kimrey Anna Batts, demonstrates his narrative dexterity and storytelling ability. The collection delves into themes of family dynamics, identity, and psychological complexities. In 2017, Vizcaíno released his debut novel, “Complejo” (Complex), followed by “Taco bajo” in 2019, which earned recognition through the Fondo de Fomento de las Artes, la Cultura y la Innovación (Funding for Arts, Culture, and Innovation) in 2017. Through his fiction works, Vizcaíno displays his versatility as a writer and his ability to craft engaging narratives that captivate readers.

Literary Awards and Recognitions

Santiago Vizcaíno Armijos has received numerous accolades for his literary works. In addition to winning the National Literature Prize for his poetry collection “Devastación en la tarde” in 2008, he has been recognized for his essays as well. His work “Decir el silencio: Aproximación a la poesía de Alejandra Pizarnik” (Saying Silence: An Approach to the Poetry of Alejandra Pizarnik) earned him the second-place award in the essay category of the National Literature Prize. Vizcaíno’s achievements reflect his skill in both poetic and critical writing, showcasing his versatility and intellectual depth.

Partial list of accolades

  • Fundación Carolina scholarship for study at the University of Malaga, where he completed an MA in Management of Literary Heritage.
  • Ecuadorian Ministry of Culture’s National Literary Projects Prize
  • Second Annual Pichincha Poetry Award
  • In 2022, the Literary Arts Award by the Institute for the Promotion of Creativity and Innovation of Ecuador.


Santiago Vizcaíno Interview about his latest short story book El ángel de la peste
Uploaded to Youtube 2021
Santiago Vizcaino and translator Alexis Levitin at the NYS Writers Institute in 2015
Produced in 2015.
Santiago Vizcaíno. Reading his poetry in Quito, Ecuador.
Uploaded to Youtube in 2011.

Selected works


  • Hábitat del camaléon (2015)
  • Devastacíon en la tarde (2008; translated into English by Alexis Levitin as Destruction in the Afternoon, 2017)
  • El viento a contrapelo de mi sombra (2022)


  • Complejo (2017)
  • Taco bajo (2019)

Short stories

  • Matar a mamá / Matricide (2015), a bilingual version, translated into English by Kimrey Anna Batts.
  • El ángel de la peste (2021)

Non fiction

  • Decir el silencio: Aproximación a la poesía de Alejandra Pizarnik
  • Casa Tomada: Reinvención de un mito, recogimiento de un espíritu (2020)

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