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Ecuador’s National Anthem Lyrics

Ecuador’s National Anthem Lyrics

Hail, O Homeland, a thousand times hail!
O Homeland, glory to you! Your heart overflows
with joy and peace, and your radiant face
shines brighter than the sun we behold.

Indignant, your children rose against the yoke
imposed by Iberian audacity,
against the unjust and horrendous suffering
that fatally weighed upon you.
They raised a holy voice to the heavens,
a voice of noble and unmatched commitment,
to avenge you from the bloody monster,
to break that servile yoke.


II (official verse)
The first, the sons of the soil
which Pichincha proudly adorns,
acclaimed you as their eternal lady,
and shed their blood for you.
God saw and accepted the sacrifice,
and that blood was the fruitful seed
of other heroes whom the world, astonished,
saw rise around you by the thousands.


Against the iron arm of these heroes,
no land was invincible,
and from the valley to the highest sierra,
the roar of battle could be heard.
After the battle, victory flew,
freedom followed the triumph,
and the lion, broken,
was heard roaring in helplessness and despair.


At last, Spanish ferocity yielded,
and today, O Homeland, your free existence
is the noble and magnificent heritage
given to us by felicitous heroism.
We received it from paternal hands,
let no one attempt to wrest it from us now,
nor does any foolish or audacious one
wish to provoke our vengeful anger against themselves.


Let no one, O Homeland, attempt it. The shadows
of your glorious heroes watch over us,
and the valor and pride they inspire
are omens of triumphs for you.
Bring forth the iron and the fulminating lead,
for at the thought of war and vengeance
awakens the heroic strength
that made the fierce Spanish succumb.


And if new chains are prepared
by the unjustness of barbaric fate,
great Pichincha! may you foresee the death
of the homeland and its children in the end.
Sink swiftly into your deep entrails
all that exists on your land. Let the tyrant
tread only ashes and in vain
seek any trace of being beside you.


Translator’s Note: The decision to translate the national anthem of Ecuador, penned by Juan León Mera, a revered writer and poet known for his contributions to Ecuadorian literature, including his influential novel “Cumandá” published in 1879, holds profound cultural and historical significance. Set to music by Antonio Neumane in 1870 and adopted in 1948, this anthem embodies the Ecuadorian spirit of resilience and patriotism, celebrating the nation’s journey towards freedom and sovereignty. Through Mera’s evocative lyrics and Neumane’s stirring composition, the anthem serves as a powerful symbol of unity and pride, inspiring generations of Ecuadorians to stand tall in the face of adversity.

Original Spanish Version

Himno Nacional del Ecuador

¡Salve, Oh Patria, mil veces! ¡Oh Patria,
gloria a ti! Ya tu pecho rebosa
gozo y paz, y tu frente radiosa
más que el sol contemplamos lucir.

Indignados tus hijos del yugo
que te impuso la ibérica audacia,
de la injusta y horrenda desgracia
que pesaba fatal sobre ti,
santa voz a los cielos alzaron,
voz de noble y sin par juramento,
de vengarte del monstruo sangriento,
de romper ese yugo servil.


II (verso oficial)
Los primeros, los hijos del suelo
que, soberbio, el Pichincha decora,
te aclamaron por siempre señora
y vertieron su sangre por tí.
Dios miró y aceptó el holocausto
y esa sangre fue germen fecundo
de otros héroes que atónito el mundo
vió en tu torno a millares surgir.


De estos héroes al brazo del hierro
nada tuvo invencible la tierra,
y del valle a la altísima sierra
se escuchaba el fragor de la lid.
Tras la lid, la victoria volaba,
libertad tras el triunfo venía,
y al león destrozado se oía
de impotencia y despecho rugir.


Cedió al fin la fiereza española,
y hoy, oh Patria, tu libre existencia
es la noble y magnífica herencia
que nos dio el heroísmo feliz.
De las manos paternas la hubimos,
nadie intente arrancárnosla ahora,
ni nuestra ira excitar vengadora
quiera, necio o audaz, contra sí.


Nadie, oh Patria, lo intente. Las sombras
de tus héroes gloriosos nos miran,
y el valor y el orgullo que inspiran
son augurios de triunfos por ti.
Venga el hierro y el plomo fulmíneo,
que a la idea de guerra y venganza
se despierta la heroica pujanza
que hizo al fiero español sucumbir.


Y si nuevas cadenas prepara
la injusticia de bárbara suerte,
¡gran Pichincha! prevén tú la muerte
de la Patria y sus hijos al fin
Hunde al punto en tus hondas entrañas
cuanto existe en tu tierra, el tirano
huelle solo cenizas y en vano
busque rastro de ser junto a ti.
